"Extending the message of hope to the Carbon Valley and Eastern Longmont"
3783 Bella Rosa Parkway (WCR20)
Frederick, CO 80504
Office: (303) 776-1578
Rinn United Methodist Church is a family, and also a part of the greater family of God. Therefore, we exist:
(Our ultimate goal, or vision):To create a community where all know Jesus Christ and are welcomed into God's Family.
(Our mission, or how we will achieve our goal): To extend God's family: Gather, Grow, Serve.
(Adopted December 7, 2017, Amended April 2018)
What our Mission Means - - - How we Live it
Gather- We welcome people into experiences that connect them with God and Neighbor in our family
Grow- We offer opportunities for people to grow in faith and invite them become more involved in the church and its ministries.
Serve- We spread the Gospel and the faith family of Rinn UMC by going out in mission to our community and beyond.
What we take into account in making decisions (Our Core Values):
Family Oriented
Compassionate Service
"Where there is no vision, the people perish; but happy is he who keeps the teaching."
Proverbs 29:18 Modern English Version