"Extending the message of hope to the Carbon Valley and Eastern Longmont"
3783 Bella Rosa Parkway (WCR20)
Frederick, CO 80504
Office: (303) 776-1578
Coordinator: Diana Murray
Kids Hope USA is an award winning mentoring program that works exclusively through local churches, teaching them to engage their own members in one-to one relationships with at-risk public elementary school children.
Rinn partners with Legacy Elementary School in Frederick, Co. Our program:
1. ...is run by one church.
2. ...focuses on the youngest children.
3. ...forms exclusive one-to-one relationships
4. ...respects church-state separation.
Each of the mentors are trained by the churches Kids Hope USA director. Each mentor has a behind the scenes prayer partner who actively prays for the child and the mentor.
This is an excellent way to reach out to the youth and young families of our community. So we hope you'll feel the Spirit leading you here!