"Extending the message of hope to the Carbon Valley and Eastern Longmont"
3783 Bella Rosa Parkway (WCR20)
Frederick, CO 80504
Office: (303) 776-1578
Coordinator: Diana Murray
Through a Kids Hope USA mentor program, students meet once a week for one hour with a mentor – someone who is there just for them. This one-on-one attention of another caring and consistent adult in a student’s life makes a difference!
For twenty years Rinn United Methodist Church has partnered with Legacy Elementary School in Frederick, CO. to provide church members as mentors for elementary school students. Currently we have nine church members who are mentors. They are supported by prayer partners, substitutes and directors.
A Rinn mentor will provide support to one student, one hour, one day a week during the school year. This is accomplished through caring communication, academic support and game participation. Mentors work closely with teachers on any required academic activities and provide the teacher with a daily progress report after each session. The hour is typically spent catching up with the student on what they’ve done the prior week, having the student work on any classroom activity the teacher is requesting and just having fun whether playing a game or cards or going outside in good weather.