"Extending the message of hope to the Carbon Valley and Eastern Longmont"


​​3783 Bella Rosa Parkway (WCR20)

Frederick, CO 80504

Office: (303) 776-1578

chancel choir

Anneke ToomEy

The Chancel Choir at Rinn United Methodist Church is a fun, non-auditioned group of singers of all ages and experience levels. We rehearse and perform twice a month on Sunday mornings and more often if there are special holiday services. We sing hymns and arrange pieces in different styles and are always open to suggestions from our members and the congregation for new repertoire. Our recent songs were in various styles: country, classical, barbershop, gospel, Taizé, old hymns, contemporary Christian, rounds, and original arrangements. Whenever possible, we invite the congregation to join us in song.

In 2024, we were thrilled to present a Christmas cantata, which was well-attended and well-received. Joining the choir doesn’t mean you have to sing in the cantata, just like you may sing in the cantata without joining the choir. We’d just like to add your voice to the music of Rinn UMC. Please contact the choir director or a choir member if you would like to join the choir or have any questions. We welcome all who are interested in singing — or playing an instrument!