"Extending the message of hope to the Carbon Valley and Eastern Longmont"
3783 Bella Rosa Parkway (WCR20)
Frederick, CO 80504
Office: (303) 776-1578
Our worship service features a blend of traditional and contemporary styles. We enjoy singing familiar hymns while also embracing more modern songs. The service lasts about an hour and includes responsive liturgy, hymn singing, and group prayer. Rev. Lin’s sermon typically lasts around 20 minutes, accompanied by a five-minute children's message. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month. During the Advent (Christmas) and Lent (Easter) seasons, we organize special programs and services.
We are an easy-going group with a mix of ages. Some wear jackets and ties while others wear jeans and casual wear. Sometimes folks come right from work!
We love kids at Rinn Church and that means that we love their wiggling too. They are welcome in worship and we have a special children's story early in the service. Afterwards they are dismissed to children's church. If you have an infant, we have a clean, bright "Cry Room" right behind the sanctuary where you can go and still hear the service audio. We also have a nursery for kiddos ages 0-4. It is located in the northwest corner of the building. There are two safe sanctuary trained adults (the Program the United Methodist Church uses to help train and certify people who work with Children and Vulnerable Adults) present in the nursery at all times. We ask for you to sign your children in, if there is an issue, we can text you so we don't have to interrupt worship. There are also crayons and pictures for kids to color in the sanctuary.
Holy Communion (the Eucharist or the Lord’s Supper) is served once a month and administered to all who wish to receive it. Since Christ’s sacrifice was made for all, his table is open to anyone wishing for a deeper connection with his grace and church. We generally present communion by intinction, which means you’ll dip a small piece of bread into the chalice. We use unfermented grape juice rather than wine to be inclusive of kids and folks with an aversion to alcohol. We also use hand sanitizer as to not spread germs. A gluten free option is also available.
No worries, you are welcome no matter what. But we hope that you would feel God moving in your heart and feel led to become a full part of our faith community. If so, talk with the Pastor.
Methodists believe that God created all things and loves the creation very much. We believe God was incarnate and revealed uniquely through Jesus Christ, who continues to be active in our lives through the Holy Spirit. We believe we are saved through faith in Christ, which motivates us to pursue holiness of heart and life, individually and within our community.
We claim the Bible as our primary authority. It is the greatest story in all the universe and history. Yet, we believe in interpreting it for our time and cultural context. Specifically, we view it by applying three lenses of the “Wesleyan Quadrilateral” (tradition, reason and experience), which help us affirm its relevance and meaning for our world today. We believe diversity is a good thing, that is why Methodism is thought of as "big tent Christianity." It is inherently inclusive. In essential matters of faith we strive for unity, in matters of opinion we extend liberty, and in everything we endeavor to love others as God loves us.
If you would like to know more about our denomination, its history and its local conference organizations, we recommend the following Websites. You can also talk with Rev Lin who can provide more information.
The Mountain Sky Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church - www.mtnskyumc.org
The United Methodist Church - www.umc.org
United Methodist Global Missions - www.umcmissions.org
The United Methodist Reporter News Service - www.umnews.org
History of the United Methodist Church and Wesleyan Movements- United_Methodist_Church